Pizza Sales Dashboard
Dashboard Link:
SQL Link:
Our company is focused on pizza sales, and to effectively track and analyze our performance, we need a comprehensive Pizza Sales Dashboard in Power BI.
Design and develop a dynamic, interactive Pizza Sales Dashboard that visualizes critical KPIs related to pizza sales. The dashboard will help us understand our sales performance over time and make data-driven decisions.
Problem Statement:
The dashboard should provide real-time insights into key performance indicators for our pizza sales data. This will enable informed decisions, monitor progress, and identify trends and growth opportunities.
Key Sales Metrics:
- Total Revenue: Sum of all pizza order prices.
- Average Order Value: Average spend per order.
- Total Pizzas Sold: Total quantity of pizzas sold.
- Total Orders: Total number of orders placed.
- Average Pizzas Per Order: Average number of pizzas per order.
Chart Requirements:
- Weekly Trend for Total Orders:
Bar chart illustrating weekly total order trends. Highlighted the day with the most sales using conditional formatting.
- Monthly Trend for Total Orders:
Line chart showing total orders by month with markers for clear identification of trends.
- Percentage of Sales by Pizza Category:
Pie chart displaying sales distribution across pizza categories.
- Percentage of Sales by Pizza Size:
Pie chart representing sales distribution by pizza size.
- Total Pizzas Sold by Pizza Category:
Funnel chart showing pizzas sold per category.
- Top 5 Best Sellers by Revenue, Quantity, and Orders:
Bar chart highlighting the top 5 best-selling pizzas. Used conditional formatting for emphasis.
- Bottom 5 Worst Sellers by Revenue, Quantity, and Orders:
Bar chart showcasing the bottom 5 worst-selling pizzas with conditional formatting.
Steps Followed:
- Data Quality Check / Data Cleaning:
- Load Data: Imported the dataset from SQL Server into Power BI Desktop.
- Data Quality Check: Used Power Query Editor to remove null values and filter rows.
- Replace Values: Standardized data in the 'pizza_size' column using Power Query.
- Load Data: Imported the dataset from SQL Server into Power BI Desktop.
- Enhanced Data Visualization with DAX:
- Create Day of the Week Column: Used Power Query’s Add Column to extract the day name from the order date.
- Create Day of the Week Column: Used Power Query’s Add Column to extract the day name from the order date.
- DAX Calculations:
- Created a column for month ordering:
Month Order = MONTH(pizza_sales[order_date])
- Shortened day and month names:
Order Day = UPPER(LEFT(pizza_sales[Day Name], 3)) Order Month = UPPER(LEFT(pizza_sales[Month Name], 3))
- Created custom day names using DAX:
Week Day = FORMAT(pizza_sales[order_date], "DDDD")
- Ordered weekdays numerically:
Week Order = WEEKDAY(pizza_sales[order_date])
- Created a column for month ordering:
- KPIs and Measures:
- Total Revenue:
Total Revenue = SUM(pizza_sales[total_price])
- Average Order Value:
Average Order Value = [Total Revenue] / [Total Orders]
- Total Pizzas Sold:
Total Pizzas Sold = SUM(pizza_sales[quantity])
- Total Orders:
Total Orders = DISTINCTCOUNT(pizza_sales[order_id])
- Average Pizzas Per Order:
Average Pizzas Per Order = [Total Pizzas Sold] / [Total Orders]
- Total Revenue:
- Chart Requirements:
- Weekly Trend for Total Orders:
We created a bar chart that showed the weekly total order trend. Conditional formatting was used to highlight the day with the highest sales.
- Monthly Trend for Total Orders:
A line chart was created to illustrate total orders by month. Background and data markers were added for clarity.
- Percentage of Sales by Pizza Category:
We generated a pie chart to display the distribution of sales across pizza categories.
- Percentage of Sales by Pizza Size:
A pie chart was created to represent the percentage of sales by pizza size.
- Total Pizzas Sold by Pizza Category:
A funnel chart was created to present the total number of pizzas sold for each pizza category.
- Top 5/Bottom 5 Best Sellers by Revenue, Total Quantity, and Total Orders:
A bar chart was created to highlight the top and bottom 5 selling pizzas based on Revenue, Total Quantity, and Total Orders. Conditional formatting was used to effectively visualize the data.
- Weekly Trend for Total Orders:
- Creating Sliders:
- Category Slider: A category slider was created for the dashboard to allow dynamic, real-time changes for analysis based on category.
- Date Slider: A date slider was created to enable data filtering in real-time, allowing for alternative analysis.
- Category Slider: A category slider was created for the dashboard to allow dynamic, real-time changes for analysis based on category.
- Creating Navigation Buttons:
Implemented "Home" and "Best/Worst Seller" buttons to enable navigation between different pages.
Snapshot of Dashboard (Power BI Desktop):
- Busiest Day: Friday had the highest number of pizza orders, with 3,500 total orders.
- Busiest Month: July saw the most orders, with 1,935 orders, showing a gradual increase from February to July.
- Pizza Category Insights: Classic Pizzas made up 26.91% of total sales, followed by Supreme (25.46%) and Chicken (23.96%).
- Pizza Size Breakdown: Large pizzas dominated sales, followed by Medium (30.49%).
Top Performers:
- Top Pizza by Revenue: Thai Chicken Pizza - $43,000
- Top Pizza by Quantity: Classic Deluxe - 2,500 pizzas
- Top Pizza by Total Orders: Classic Deluxe - 2,300 orders
Bottom Performers:
- Bottom Pizza by Revenue: Brie Carre - $12,000
- Bottom Pizza by Quantity: Brie Carre - 490 pizzas
- Bottom Pizza by Total Orders: Brie Carre - 480 orders